Streets of Wicklow 5k Race: Field of Dreams!
Registration for our annual Streets of Wicklow 5km race is OPEN. All proceeds going to our Field of Dreams Project, Link to Register Wicklow County Council are working away trying to make this dream a reality Inbhear Dee A.C and Wicklow Town Team have been in discussions with Wicklow Municipal Town Council engineers and Wicklow County Council on the proposed trail. This trail will be used by the whole community. The area has long been a favourite of dog-walkers who will benefit from the improved under-foot conditions a trail will offer. The environmentally friendly 1-mile loop will be an amenity for everyone. Inbhear Dee A.C expect to train there twice a week. Inbhear Dee A.C, a club with over 150 juvenile members uses the Murrough during the summer months to train, however during Winter, as they have no facilities, they are left to running the roads and car-parks of the town. This is no longer safe or good for the kids long-term. “To have an area of soft ground that we could use to run would make a massive difference to us”. Eithne Walsh club coach said. Inbhear Dee A.C is a club that has produced two Olympic athletes, Stephanie Reilly and Roisin McGettigan and has sent more young athletes over to America on athletics scholarships than any other athletic club in county Wicklow or Wexford. “It punches well above its weight in terms of success”, Councillor Paul O’Brien, who has been pushing this project with WCC for the last number of months said. “How it has achieved so much with, with so little is anyone’s guess.” |
Support from Burke Oil, who have sponsored the annual 5km Streets of Wicklow to the tune of €2500 for the last 11 years has been crucial to the club staying afloat. Burke Oil has always put Wicklow Community at the centre of what they do. “Long before Corporate Responsibility became a Marketing tool, they were sponsoring this 5 km” Noreen O’Reilly founder member of Inbhear Dee A.C said. “They are right behind us on this project and that makes a huge difference”.